Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organizational behaviour - HRM report Assignment

Organizational behaviour - HRM report - Assignment Example The healthcare organization can be considered as one of the largest organization in terms of bed capacity and employee strength. The employee strength of the organization is 1000. The organization has adopted the workplace diversity aspect in the business operation process. Strong multicultural workforce of the organization states that the organization believes in workplace diversity. Human resource management is considered as one of the important organizational departments that help to manage the overall performance of the organization. The functions or the activities of human resource department includes recruitment, selection, orientation, training, performance management, leadership, motivation, performance management, performance appraisal, compensation, reward distribution and employee retention. Now-a-days, several organizations within the healthcare industry are trying to improve the human resource management practices in order to increase the efficiency in the business perfo rmance. Effective human resource management practices help the organizations to maintain effective workplace environment that influence the employees of the organization to improve their performance level. Efficiency in this human resource department helps the management of the organization to motivate its employees. Several healthcare organizations are trying to maintain strong workplace diversity as the management of these organizations believe that the knowledge sharing and skill of entire workforce can get increased due to having multicultural employees in the organization. An organization cannot manage a diverse workforce without having effective managerial and leadership skill. In addition to this, employee motivation can be considered as an important aspect as several motivational techniques or tools help an organization to maintain effective relationship with the effective and skilled employees. These aspects will help the organization to retain their skilled employees. In a ddition to this, effective human resource management practices can help an organization to maintain sustainability and corporate ethics in each and every business operation processes. It is highly important for an organization to develop and maintain strong relationship with the external and internal stakeholders in order to develop a strong image within the competitive industry. It is clear that the Red Line Hospital can be termed as one of the largest private hospital due to its 200 bed capacity. Moreover, the healthcare organization has 1000 multicultural employees. Therefore, it is important to analyze the efficiency of human resource department and organization behaviour of the organization. Kurt Lewin’s change management model, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, Herzberg’s motivation theory has been discussed in this study with respect to the workplace diversity and organization behaviour of Red Line Hospital. Different types of leadership styles has been discusses in this study in order to help the organization to improve its multicultural workplace performance. Lastly, the assignment will

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effects of Music Essay Example for Free

Effects of Music Essay Music and Its Effects on Our Emotions: Can Music Really Change Your Mood? Music can control a much larger part of your life than most people would like to believe. Music can affect us in ways in which were not even aware of, and for this reason, music is simply amazing. There is a large number of studies behind music. Not even just the typical music you hear on the radio or that you download from the Internet, but any sounds and the way they can affect your mood and reflect your personallity. It has been proven that certain types of music can evoke sadness, while others can give you an excitement. Music is used in millions of places for this reason. Advertisements. Advertisements and movies are based around the audio! Certain types of music are more likely to evoke emotions in people which will in turn make them feel a certain way. Sometimes this is great for producers in the economy because they can use music in their advertisements to help produce more profits, because people will become much more interested in the products that theyre offering. This works the same in the film industry. The film industry is interested in inflicting some sort of mood on its audience. If a movie is able to inflict an emotion into people, then the movie is looked upon as a much better movie, and therefore is more likely to make more money. Music can really affect more parts of the economy than you would ever even take into consideration. One amazing thing, that Im sure youve never even stopped to think about, is the music in a casino. They tend to play very uplifting music, music that will make you want to stay longer. Theoretically, the longer you stay in a casino, the more money the casino will make from you. The casino wants to keep you in their business for as long as they can. Music is one way the owners can go about this. Another irrelevant yet interesting method they have is to release scents that cause people to become more satisfied with what theyre doing, and will make them in turn be more comfortable in the environment and want to stay longer, making the casino more money in the long run. Pop, lighter rock, and most dance music tends to be a very uplifting type of music. If youre ever looking for a booster, listen to some of this music! I actually enjoy listening to this music every day before going to take classes, because it lifts my spirit and helps me make it through the day. Downbeat music such as death metal and rap music tends to affect peoples emotions in a much darker form. However, this is all personal preference and you cannot  base all of this on my opinion. Overall, music has a much greater affect on you than you would believe. Experiment. Listen to new music all the time. See what music gives you chills down your spine. See what music you cant understand and hate. Theres something out there for everyone. The Effects of Music In some way, music affects everyone. Whether it is, a young girl’s favorite song on the radio, a college student’s escape from reality or a form of entertainment to a married couple, music brings everyone together. Music definitely affects the lifestyles of people in many different ways. The diverse styles of music makes people look and act differently. Music has many different levels. To me, levels meaning; the more independent and progressive the music is, the more the fans take it to the extreme. Music creates style. It causes people to talk, act, and dress the way they do. I hope to discover how much music influences people, especially college students. Also, the more fascinated they are the more influences it has to them. I would like to prove, that to some, music is nothing more than the pop song playing on the radio in the car, and to others, it is a major part of their life. It is very interesting to me, to learn the effects music has toward people. Music impacts everyone in some way (positive or negative), but I think it impacts college students the most. I would like to know the reasons people are listening to music they buy and support. Also, the reasons certain groups are more popular than others. I used a couple various methods of research to conduct my research. I wrote up ten surveys with some questions about gender, age, what they buy, do they attend concerts, and do they support local music. I passed these surveys out to completely random students so there was no imbalance of the results. I hope to find out certain things like: are males affected more than females from music; who buys more clothing/ accessories; is local music important to college students. Another form of research was done by making some observations. I observed places that college students live. I observed a few of my friends apartments very closely and also observed a couple other houses that I was  invited to over the past month. By doing this, I hope to generalize what they like and how it influences them. For example, posters of music groups hanging everywhere will indicate a more of an influence than paintings, by say Picasso. Clothing, jewelry, and actual speech from people may also provide some interesting details. While making these observations, I had also done a couple interviews. A couple were formal, sit-down interviews and the others were just conversations that I thought would be helpful to making my research complete. After giving some thought to my results, I decided to add a section about my personal history. Throughout my life music has affected me in many different ways. It has helped me through some very important decisions, such as, how I feel, who I am with, where I am going to go. When I was ten years old, I got my first guitar. It was an acoustic guitar. I loved to play it, but dreaded going to the lessons. My parents forced me because I couldn’t play a single note. After a year or two things started to come together and I could play some songs. Then I decided to purchase an electric guitar. For me, this was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I played everyday at any time that I could. My favorite group was the Beastie Boys. My friends and I would pretend we were them and put on shows pretending to be them. As I got older, I would purchase any music that I could; cassette tapes, records, videos, posters, anything that dealt with music. Around seventh or eighth grade, I purchased a used drum set. My other friends all played, so we decided to form a band. We would practice in the garage as much as often until my parents said enough, until it became an obsession. We played a couple of parties (nothing big, because this was the eighth grade), but still a major part of my life at the time. One day during practice, I remember my good friend, the lead singer, telling me booked a real gig, in downtown Pittsburgh. We got a set ready and about a month to practice our songs. The place was called the Electric Banana, it was real dive bar. Most people there were friends and family, but still a nice turnout. Since then I haven’t been playing in a band, but still love making music. Most of my friends are really into music too. We swap music  with each other and talk about it all the time. When I switched schools in high school, music really helped me make some friends. Without music my life would be totally different and a lot more boring, so I’m glad it turned out this way. I am very happy with the results that I got from the surveys. There were ten surveys filled out. Of the ten, six were females and four were males. Eight of the ten all liked rap/hip hop music or said rap along with some other forms. The other two liked rock, punk, or emo. No one put classic rock as their choice (which I found to be very interesting, because I like classic rock). There were two other questions I found to be very much related. Everyone that collects music, any form, (CD, cassette tape, or vinyl) has clothing and/or accessories that support music, for instance, posters, T-shirts, and hats. Four out of ten said they regularly attend concerts. I was very pleased to hear that eight of ten support local musicians/bands. I am a music lover, (as you know) so the local scene is very important to me. Here is a graph I constructed from the surveys. Females Males 60% 40% The interviews came out to be very useful also. I talked to a music lover/musician/collector. His name was Neil and he was very cooperative. We talked about the unusual styles of music he liked. He has a very wide range of music in his collection. We talked about some of his favorite artists, some being Pittsburgh based groups. He loves live music and goes to as many shows as possible. He said â€Å"it’s hard to get to places without a car and with classes† He also said â€Å"I just saw The Roots play for my sixth time last week, at a little place in Oakland.† We were talking about how they are definitely one of his favorites, if he had to pick. I asked him why he was so into music. He replied â€Å"It’s a stress reliever. It takes my mind off school, work, and people’s pettiness.† Another interview that I performed was not as formal. This one was with my dad at the dinner table. It was pretty short and to the point. I asked him if he likes music. He said â€Å"No.† I then asked him if he ever listens to it and he said â€Å"No, when I am in the car I listen to the news or talk radio and when I’m home I’m either working or watching TV.† After doing this research, I realized that by doing interviews you can really feel the emotion from the answers compared to reading a survey. I think that interviews did help me make certain things easier to understand on the survey. The Effects of Music on Peoples Emotions By Rachel Mattison, eHow Contributor , last updated July 02, 2012 Movie producers and recording artists use music to manipulate the emotions of audiences to feel everything from excitement to sadness during movies and performances. No one can deny that music has either positive or negative effects on the emotions of listeners. However, music therapy or the study of music’s impact on emotions examines how music cause positive changes in listeners and patients for areas including early childhood development, healing and recovery, and overcoming negative emotions. 1. Early Childhood Development * Music plays an important role in early childhood emotional and intellectual development, according to information compiled by Brad Kennedy and Jennifer Durst. Their research confirms that even while in the womb, babies can tell the differences between certain types of music. Also called prenatal stimulation this technique has many positive effects including higher levels of intelligence and creativity, along with the ability to calm down when listening to music. Suggested usages for music in early childhood development include teaching children to analyze songs so they can learn how to express and identify their emotions, though processes, behaviors and situations as a way of developing cognitive and motor skills. Healing and Recovery * The American Music Therapy Organization states music therapy can  allow emotional intimacy with families and caregivers, relaxation for the entire family, and meaningful time spent together in a positive, creative way.† Additional studies show that music therapy can cause changes in physiology by releasing brain chemicals including melatonin, norephinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin and prolactin, which help to reduce depression, regulate mood and make patients feel calm and more able to sleep. Doctors have used music therapy to help stroke, cerebral palsy and Parkinson’s patients improve. Dr. Suzanne Hasner says head trauma and dementia patients retain music ability because â€Å"deep in our long-term memory is this rehearsed music. It is processed in the emotional part of the brain, the amygdala. Here’s where you remember the music played at your wedding, the music of your first love, that first dance. Such things can still be remembered even in people with progressive diseases. It can be a window, a way to reach them. * Negative Emotions and Fear Management * Dr. Zbigniew Kucharski, from the Medical Academy of Warsaw, has studied the effects of music when used for fear management in dental patients. He discovered that children who listened to 30 minutes of music preceding and following dental procedures were less likely to experience negative feelings. Another study, â€Å"Quantification of the effects of listening to music as a noninvasive method of pain control,† conducted in 1992 found that relaxing music helped to reduce anxiety and pain in patients undergoing certain medical procedures including painful gynecological procedures and pediatric surgical burn units. How Music Affects Us and Promotes Health Music is one of the few activities that involves using the whole brain. It is intrinsic to all cultures and can have surprising benefits not only for learning language, improving memory and focusing attention, but also for physical coordination and development. Of course, music can be distracting if its too loud or too jarring, or if it competes for our attention with what were trying to do. But for the most part, exposure to many kinds of music has beneficial effects: 1Music heals Effective therapy for pain Overall, music does have positive effects on pain management. Music can help reduce both the sensation and distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain. Listening to music can reduce chronic pain from a range of painful conditions, including osteoarthritis, disc problems and rheumatoid arthritis, by up to 21% and depression by up to 25%, according to a paper in the latest UK-based Journal of Advanced Nursing29. Music therapy is increasingly used in hospitals to reduce the need for medication during childbirth, to decrease postoperative pain and complement the use of anesthesia during surgery30. There are several theories about how music positively affects perceived pain: * 1. Music serves as a distractor * 2. Music may give the patient a sense of control * 3. Music causes the body to release endorphins to counteract pain * 4. Slow music relaxes person by slowing their breathing and heartbeat Reducing blood pressure By playing recordings of relaxing music every morning and evening, people with high blood pressure can train themselves to lower their blood pressure and keep it low31. According to research reported at the American Society of Hypertension meeting in New Orleans, listening to just 30 minutes of classical, Celtic or raga music every day may significantly reduce high blood pressure. Medicine for the heart music is good for your heart. Research shows that it is musical tempo, rather than style. Italian and British researchers32 recruited young men and women, half of whom were trained musicians. The participants slipped on head phones and listened to six styles of music, including rap and classical pieces, with random two-minute pauses. As the participants kicked back and listened, the researchers monitored their breathing, heart rates and blood pressure. The participants had faster heart and breathing rates when they listened to lively music. When the musical slowed, so did their heart and breathing rates. Some results were surprising. During the musical pauses, heart and breathing rates normalized or reached more optimal levels. Whether or not a person liked the style of music did not matter. The tempo, or pace, of the music had the greatest effect on relaxation. Speeds Post-Stroke Recovery A daily portion` of ones favorite pop melodies, classical music or jazz can speed recovery from debilitating strokes, according to the latest research. When stroke patients in Finland listened to music for a couple of hours each day, verbal memory and attention span improved significantly compared to patients who received no musical stimulation, or who listened only to stories read out loud, the study reports33. Chronic headaches migraine remedy Music can help migraine34 and chronic headache35 sufferers reduce the intensity, frequency, and duration of the headaches. Music boosts immunity Music can boost the immune function. Scientists explain that a particular type of music can create a positive and profound emotional experience, which leads to secretion of immune-boosting hormones22. This helps contribute to a reduction in the factors responsible for illness. Listening to music or singing can also decrease levels of stress-related hormone cortisol. Higher levels of cortisol can lead to a decreased immune response23-24. 2Effects of music on the brain Music enhances intelligence, learning and IQ The idea that music makes you smarter received considerable attention from scientists and the media. Listening to music or playing an instrument can actually make you learn better. And research confirms this. Music has the power to enhance some kinds of higher brain function: * Reading and literacy skills11-13 * Spatial-temporal reasoning14-15 * Mathematical abilities16-17 Even children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder benefit in mathematics tests from listening to music beforehand. *Emotional intelligence The Mozart effect Earlier it has been thought that listening to classical music, particularly Mozart, enhances performance on cognitive tests. However, recent findings18 show that listening to any music that is personally enjoyable has positive effects on cognition. Music improves memory performance The power of music to affect memory is quite intriguing. Mozarts music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activates the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain. Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, cause the brain to be more capable of processing information. Listening to music facilitates the recall of information19. Researchers have shown that certain types of music are a great keys for recalling memories. Information learned while listening to a particular song can often be recalled simply by playing the songs mentally. Musical training has even better effect than just listening to classical music. There is clear evidence20, that children who take music lessons develop a better memory compared with children who have no musical training. Note: For learning or memory performance, its important that music doesnt have a vocal component; otherwise youre more likely to remember the words of the background song than what youre supposed to be recalling. Music improves concentration and attention Easy listening music or relaxing classics improves the duration and intensity of concentration in all age groups and ability levels. Its not clear what type of music is better, or what kind of musical structure is necessary to help, but many studies have shown significant effects21. 3Music improves physical performance Music improves athletic performance Choosing music that motivates you will make it easier to start moving, walking, dancing, or any other type of exercise that you enjoy. Music can make exercise feel more like recreation and less like work. Furthermore, music enhances athletic performance6-8! Anyone who has ever gone on a long run with their iPod or taken a particularly energetic spinning class knows that music can make the time pass more quickly. The four central hypotheses explaining musics facilitation of exercise performance include: * Reduction in the feeling of fatigue * Increase in levels of psychological arousal * Physiological relaxation response * Improvement in motor coordination Music improves body movement and coordination Music reduces muscle tension and improves body movement and coordination25-26. Music may play an important role in developing, maintaining and restoring physical functioning in the rehabilitation of persons with movement disorders. 4Music helps to work more productively Fatigue fighter Listening to upbeat music can be a great way to find some extra energy. Music can effectively eliminate exercise-induced fatigue9 and fatigue symptoms caused by monotonous work10. Keep in mind that listening to too much pop and hard rock music can make you more jittery than energized. Vary what you listen to and find out what type of music is most beneficial for you. You could try classical music one day, pop the next day and jazz the third. Music improves productivity Many people like to listen to music while they work and I am certainly one of them. How about you? Did you know you can perform better at your work with music? Whilst there may be many reasons for wishing to listen to music in the workplace, it really improves your productivity27! According to a report in the journal Neuroscience of Behavior and Physiology28, a persons ability to recognize visual images, including letters and numbers, is faster when either rock or classical music is playing in the background. 5Music calms, relaxes and helps to sleep Relaxing music induces sleep Relaxing classical music is safe, cheap and easy way to beat insomnia1. Many people who suffer from insomnia find that Bach music helps them. Researchers have shown that just 45 minutes of relaxing music before bedtime can make for a restful night2. Relaxing music reduces sympathetic nervous system activity, decreases anxiety, blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate and may have positive effects on sleep via muscle relaxation and distraction  from thoughts. Music reduces stress and aids relaxation Listening to slow, quiet classical music, is proven to reduce stress3. Countless studies have shown that musics relaxing effects can be seen on anyone, including newborns. One of the great benefits of music as a stress reliever is that it can be used while you do your usual deeds so that it really doesnt take time. How does music reduces stress? * Physical relaxation. Music can promote relaxation of tense muscles, enabling you to easily release some of the tension you carry from a stressful day. * Aids in stress relief activities. Music can help you get into the zone when practicing yoga, self hypnosis or guided imagery, can help you feel energized when exercising and recover after exercising, help dissolve the stress when youre soaking in the tub. * Reduces negative emotions. Music, especially upbeat tunes, can take your mind off what stresses you, and help you feel more optimistic and positive. This helps release stress and can even help you keep from getting as stressed over lifes little frustrations in the future. Researchers discovered4 that music can decrease the amount of the cortisol, a stress-related hormone produced by the body in response to stress. 6Music improves mood and decreases depression Prescription for the blues Musics ability to heal the soul is the stuff of legend in every culture. Many people find that music lifts their spirits. Modern research tends to confirm musics psychotherapeutic benefits5. Bright, cheerful music (e.g. Mozart, Vivaldi, bluegrass, Klezmer, Salsa, reggae) is the most obvious prescription for the blues. The 5 Weirdest Ways Music Can Mess With the Human Brain By: C. Coville, Kathy Benjamin February 11, 2011 1,619,046 views The entire reason music exists is because of its almost magical ability to push your buttons. An upbeat song gets you going, a sad song makes you cry and drink. But the more science studies musics effect on the human brain, the more bizarre things we discover. For instance #5. It Changes Your Ability to Perceive Time  old music the stuff you hear on the line when you call everyone from the bank to your local bail bond agency didnt fall into Americas phone lines by accident. Its designed specifically to reduce the amount of time you think youre waiting, so that youre less likely to hang up in anger. Other places that involve waiting, such as doctors offices, use a similar trick. Time shrinkage is also the aim of most retail stores, which is why youll rarely enter a mall, supermarket or clothing store without hearing some sort of music in the background. How the hell does music do that? To understand why exactly music makes it seem like less time has passed, think of the human brain as a mountain lion that is eating a bag of money. It doesnt matter what the zookeepers distract it with food, shiny objects or just shouting and yelling. All that matters is that they give another zookeeper the chance to sneak up and retrieve the money while the lion is busy deciding which one of them to eat. Similarly, when your brain is steadily distracted, youll be less likely to notice things around you in detail, and this includes the passage of time. Our brains have limited input capacity, and when something else is using up that capacity, were less likely to think things like, Ive been standing in line to get Richard Molls autograph for three goddamn hours or Do I really need this Garfield alarm clock? But it works the opposite way, too. In some situations, listening to music can actually expand perceived time. For example, listening to music while performing tasks that require concentration will usually cause us to overestimate the amount of time that has passed. The theory is that as your mind switches back and forth between perception of the music and concentration on the challenging tasks, it forms separate events, or distinct memories. When your brain thinks about what youve been doing for the past hour, youll remember more of these events and recall that the hour was quite long. Experiments have found that time also expands when were listening to familiar music that we dislike. When we hear the opening chords of a song, our brain remembers the whole thing and immediately skips ahead and plays it mentally. This fake mind-music is  extremely vivid, working on exactly the same parts of the brain as actual music does. So the effect is that you take a few moments to vividly imagine that youre sitting through five minutes of that damn New Radicals song before you come back to reality only to realize that you still actually have to sit through it. #4. It Taps Into Primal Fear OK, imagine how you would sound for a second if you saw your friend Jason across the street and wanted to get his attention by yelling his name. Now imagine you see your friend Jason across the street, suddenly realize a car is careening down the road about to hit him, and shout his name to warn him.Despite the fact that you are yelling the same thing both times, even in your head you can hear how the two sound different. Human beings have a very good, very nuanced sense of what kind of noise indicates a greeting and what kind of noise indicates you are about to be mauled by a honey badger. And that sense is being used against you in every scary movie you have ever seen. There is a reason that horror films scare the crap out of us, and its not just the creepy settings, dramatic buildup and sudden reveal of the bad guy RIGHT BEHIND YOU. Its the music. How the hell does music do that? There are certain sounds that humans will automatically associate with sudden and painful death because they tap into our evolutionary fear of the screams of other animals (and other human beings). Screams of fear in almost any animal are made up of what scientists have dubbed discordant noises. Any noise that makes you feel very unpleasant falls into this category. We know if we hear other living things making those discordant noises that we have to get the fuck out, because something bad is going to happen. Movie directors know this and make good use of it when deciding on the score for a film. That dramatic buildup and subsequent scary reveal is almost always accompanied by really freaky music or somebody screaming his ass off (or both). But this technique is hardly limited to horror movies. For instance, in his original draft of The Social Network, Andy Sorkin wanted a song called Love of the Common People to play over the opening credits scene. Heres what that would have looked like: That poppy calypso music makes you feel that everything is dandy. Sure, Mark Zuckerberg has just been dumped,  but its all OK! Hes running through the Harvard campus and is about to invent Facebook and become a billionaire. Yay!Listen to that lower-level background music throughout. It sounds like random, angry notes played behind a simple piano tune, and those notes are creating discordant sound. Suddenly youre apprehensive, feeling like something really bad is about to happen (were talking getting sued for $64 million bad). So next time youre getting a little too freaked out by a movie, remember that muting the television is a far better decision than looking away. #3. It Makes You Stronger Its no secret that many people prefer to listen to music when they work out. But music doesnt just make physical activity more pleasant it actually makes our physical performance measurably better. When listening to music, people are able to hold heavy weights for longer than when theyre standing in silence. They can also complete sprints in smaller amounts of time and are even able to reduce their oxygen intake. How the hell does music do that? Similar to the time-perception effect we referenced above, one element is just plain old distraction. Obviously, if your mind is listening to music, its not thinking about how much your legs hurt or how much longer youve got to run before the treadmill makes that final beeping noise. But theres much more to it than that. First, theres synchronicity. When you match your movements to a steady musical tempo, you spend less time and effort on the inefficient slowing down and speeding up that happens when youre going by your own rhythm. Music also increases the incidence of flow states states of meditation-like calm in which everything works right for an athlete and that is strongly linked to enhanced performance. Music can even make you feel less pain. Patients listening to music after surgery need less sedatives, report less pain and have lower blood pressure. As if thats not impressive enough, doctors have found that specially selected melodic music dramatically reduces stress in patients during unsedated brain surgery. In some cases, music caused patients to relax so much that many of them fell into a deep sleep, while people sliced into their exposed brains with fucking scalpels. And even if youre lucky enough to be asleep during  surgery, theres a good chance the doctors working on you are listening to music, since most surgeons believe it improves their performance, too. So the next time youre about to go under a general anesthetic, consider the fact that the guy with the scalpel might soon be timing his incisions to Whitesnake. #2. It Changes Your Drinking Habits Did you ever wake up in the back of a taxi after a long night of tossing down cognac and prune juice and wonder how your pants got replaced by a thick but clumsily applied coat of colorful body paint? Well, now theres something to blame it on besides your bad childhood: music. What they play in the bar doesnt just affect how much you drink, but what you drink. How the hell does music do that? Did you know you can make a person buy more expensive wine just by playing classical music? Experiments prove it. It makes people feel like theyre in a wine commercial or in a movie depicting refined, snooty rich people. OK, that one sort of makes sense we doubt anyone ever drank Wild Irish Rose while listening to Vivaldi. But in another blind study, different types of music playing in the background caused drinkers to change how theyd described the drinks they already had. Laid-back music led people to rate drinks as mellow, and upbeat music resulted in more people calling their drinks refreshing. Even stranger, in another study researchers placed German and French wines in supermarkets, with small flags next to each display so customers could tell which countries they came from. They then played some unobtrusive international music in the background. When German music was played, the percentage of German sales rose, and vice versa. This wasnt because customers thought to themselves, Ah! Germany! I will celebrate the Fatherland with some nice wine! Questionnaires showed that customers couldnt recall what type of music was playing and thought theyd chosen a particular wine simply because theyd felt like it. The people selling you the drinks know all of this stuff or at least, the successful ones do. Weve pointed out before that bars and nightclubs often play fast music to increase alcohol-based profit. But other establishments, particularly upscale restaurants, prefer slow, relaxing music, which,  believe it or not, can also make you drink more. The tempo of music is linked to your bodys arousal level, or the speed at which your nervous system operates. Fast music heightens arousal (heh), so patrons will do everything more quickly, including eating and drinking and leaving their infant by the salad bar. Which is good for a restaurant owner if hes just concerned with getting you out the door so he can serve more (and presumably better) people. On the other hand, slower music means that you eat at a more leisurely pace. Maybe youll even stay to chat with your companions after youre done with your meal. All this time passing means youre likely to buy more drinks every time the waiter comes around to ask, and at a restaurant thats charging $70 a bottle, that makes up for any lost table space. Some restaurants go as far as to purchase a personalized selection of songs specially designed by sound branding companies, which select songs based on whatever tempo or atmosphere the restaurant is aiming to achieve. #1. It Makes You a Better Communicator How does a narcissistic ass like John Mayer, who isnt even that attractive, still have hot women of all ages throwing themselves at him? Its the guitar, isnt it?Actually, a trained musician like Mayer would probably be able to talk a woman into his bed without ever even playing a note. It turns out that studying music gives you an advantage when it comes to perceiving the emotions of others, so all those years of being chained to a piano as a child are finally going to work in your favor. People who can play instruments at near-professional level can detect subtle emotional changes and intonations in the vocal tones of others. In other words, they know whether you are actually sad when you say youre fine, even when most non-musicians would have no idea. Not only that, but the fact that they studied music makes them better able to tune out background noise, so they are even better at paying attention to what you are saying in that crowded restaurant or bar. How the hell does music do that? Research shows that people who have studied music actually have brains wired differently than non-musicians. This rewiring makes them better able to express emotions they are feeling, but it also makes them more able to understand the emotions others express. Music is very emotional, and people  wired to understand those subtle emotional changes can also detect them in the vocal tones of someone talking. The emotion of the music translates to knowing when your boss is secretly mad or your mother is secretly disappointed. The sooner you start learning music, the more pronounced this re-wiring is. Scientists think that teaching children music might help kids with autism better understand vocal cues and encode speech. The fact that this brain re-wiring helps them tune out background noise could also help kids stay focused in noisy classrooms. It is also something that gets better the more you play, so sticking to your piano lessons now could lead to a powerful advantage in your future dating world. Read more: Music is one of many important parts of our lives because it can be an approach not only to reduce each of our mental tension but also to inspire our feelings in artistic sense. Then, there are only two subtopics to develop into two paragraphs in the body: 1) music is an approach to reduce peoples mental tension 2) music inspires peoples feelings in artistic sense

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Advertising: Information or Manipulation? Essay -- Marketing Business

Advertising: Information or Manipulation? In today’s difficult economy who can afford to spend their hard-earned money carelessly? Americans want good quality and low prices, and businesses that advertise their product make saving money possible. Advertising was created for one reason, so businesses could make known their product (Black, Hashimzade, and Myles). Some consumers may argue that advertising is not informative, but that it is manipulative because some advertisements make false claims. Fortunately, there are regulations and consumer rights that promote truth in advertising. Consumers must embrace their rights to keep advertising the way it is meant to be. Advertising is meant to be informative and not manipulative, and consumers play a great role in promoting truth in advertising. Advertising in America was created when businesses wanted to attract customers by providing information about their product or service (Black, Hashimzade, and Myles). Advertising has been used for many centuries, and was even used during the American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783. Businesses used different advertising techniques such as posters and signs to provide consumers with information about their products, and to persuade them to buy American. Before the war, Americans received their goods on ships from England. The American colonies won the war and became the United States of America. Now it was important for Americans to build a strong American economy (Milton 9). Even today American’s are partial to anything that says, â€Å"Made in America.† The economy thrives because of consumerism, so if advertising brings in more businesses than Americans benefit as well. Americans continue to benefit from the use of product and s... ...dleton, Kent R., Robert Trager, and Bill F. Chamberlain. The Law of Public Communication. 5th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2002. 299-341. Print. Milton, Bess. Advertising. New York: Children’s Press, 2004. 9. Print. Mitra, Anu, Mary Anne Raymond, and Christopher D. Hopkins. â€Å"Can Consumers Recognize Misleading Content in a Media Rich Online Environment?.† Psychology & Marketing 25.7 (2008): 655-674. Business Source Complete. ESBCO. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. pdfviewer?vid=4&hid=13&sid=6735641b-1986-4a51-857c-c7676ec5d556%40sessionmgr12>. NAD Review. The Advertising Industry’s Process of Self-Regulation. Council of Better Business Bureaus. 08 Mar. 2010. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. . â€Å"The Pepsi Cola Story.† Pepsi. PepsiCo, n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2010. . Advertising: Information or Manipulation? Essay -- Marketing Business Advertising: Information or Manipulation? In today’s difficult economy who can afford to spend their hard-earned money carelessly? Americans want good quality and low prices, and businesses that advertise their product make saving money possible. Advertising was created for one reason, so businesses could make known their product (Black, Hashimzade, and Myles). Some consumers may argue that advertising is not informative, but that it is manipulative because some advertisements make false claims. Fortunately, there are regulations and consumer rights that promote truth in advertising. Consumers must embrace their rights to keep advertising the way it is meant to be. Advertising is meant to be informative and not manipulative, and consumers play a great role in promoting truth in advertising. Advertising in America was created when businesses wanted to attract customers by providing information about their product or service (Black, Hashimzade, and Myles). Advertising has been used for many centuries, and was even used during the American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783. Businesses used different advertising techniques such as posters and signs to provide consumers with information about their products, and to persuade them to buy American. Before the war, Americans received their goods on ships from England. The American colonies won the war and became the United States of America. Now it was important for Americans to build a strong American economy (Milton 9). Even today American’s are partial to anything that says, â€Å"Made in America.† The economy thrives because of consumerism, so if advertising brings in more businesses than Americans benefit as well. Americans continue to benefit from the use of product and s... ...dleton, Kent R., Robert Trager, and Bill F. Chamberlain. The Law of Public Communication. 5th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2002. 299-341. Print. Milton, Bess. Advertising. New York: Children’s Press, 2004. 9. Print. Mitra, Anu, Mary Anne Raymond, and Christopher D. Hopkins. â€Å"Can Consumers Recognize Misleading Content in a Media Rich Online Environment?.† Psychology & Marketing 25.7 (2008): 655-674. Business Source Complete. ESBCO. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. pdfviewer?vid=4&hid=13&sid=6735641b-1986-4a51-857c-c7676ec5d556%40sessionmgr12>. NAD Review. The Advertising Industry’s Process of Self-Regulation. Council of Better Business Bureaus. 08 Mar. 2010. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. . â€Å"The Pepsi Cola Story.† Pepsi. PepsiCo, n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2010. .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Demonstrate Leadership in Your Mba Application

Demonstrate Leadership in Your MBA Application When faced with any iteration of the leadership question on MBA essays, many business school applicants freak out because they think they have to come up with an example that is their greatest life or professional achievement. In reality, it's not about grand gestures or formal leadership titles. The goal is leaving a footprint on whatever situation you're in and doing more than a good job. Applicants need to think through their past experiences to find the episodes that best illustrate their leadership skills.Sometimes, the best examples are not the first that come to mind. Your leadership essay will often be different from an â€Å"accomplishment† or â€Å"achievement† oriented essay. Just because you achieved something outstanding does not always mean leadership skills were involved, especially if you did most or all of the work. [Learn how to strike the right tone in MBA essays. ] One of the central tenets of leadership essays is showing that you can galvanize the actions of other people. You bring out their passions. You educate them. You help them see organizational priorities in new ways.And then they share in the achievement. The work of a leader activates or improves the work of others, so find anecdotes in your professional and extracurricular background that illustrate this kind of pattern. What kind of experiences will make the best tales of leadership? Think about challenges where the following came into play: †¢ Identifying/defining a problem †¢ Resisting conventional approaches; challenging status quo †¢ Marshaling resources to address a problem †¢ Motivating others †¢ Making good use of others' talents †¢ Being open to new information and input Building consensus with appropriate stakeholders †¢ Guiding strong midcourse corrections; overcoming mistakes †¢ Building on success [Get more tips on writing MBA admissions essays. ] Remember: Leadership is not just about the titles. Some candidates build their leadership essays around the fact that they were selected for or elected to certain positions where they had a high level of authority and responsibility: editor-in-chief of a college paper, fraternity president, captain of the hockey team, director of product development, or vice president of marketing.But what did you do with this position? An editor of a college daily could write about how he or she was constantly challenged to maintain high levels of editorial excellence, manage staff assignments, and hit all deadlines. This is definitely an esteemed position with many responsibilities, but if you describe your role like that, it sounds exactly the same as the other hundreds of editors-in-chief of college papers also applying this season. Define the leadership challenges you faced, not the management ones.Did you have to deal with a certain writer who falsified interview notes? Was there a sticky campus scandal that force d you and your staff to walk an ethical tightrope? Did you have to fire student editors? Did you lead a transition from a weekly to a daily with all of the scheduling and human resources rigors that entails? Collecting impressive titles does not make someone a great leader—helping a team overcome great challenges does. [Avoid seven deadly sins of MBA applicants. ] The strongest leadership essays will have heroes other than yourself.If you helped Terri in accounts receivable realize her full potential on a project you led, showcase her as a hero in your leadership tale. In the best possible scenario, applicants should map out a good balance at the beginning of their application process between achievement-oriented essays and those focusing specifically on leadership. The good news is that, in many instances, you can still adjust your application fairly late in the process to achieve the appropriate balance between individual achievement and leadership.Adding in a few sentences about enabling others, or educating and defining priorities for group endeavors, will go a long way toward rounding out your profile. Many achievement essays can be transformed into glorious examples of leadership when you shine the spotlight on others who were a part of a great collective accomplishment. Don't forget that leadership is never a solo effort. When it comes to MBA essays, you can't go wrong if you show how you've worked to inspire others and bring out the best in them

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

General Psychology Essay

Taking Psychology has taught me a lot more than I already knew about the human mind and human body. I have actually enjoyed taking Psychology this semester. what I have learned from Psychology class will be carried with me throughout my college and professional career. In Psychology I learned the science of behavior and processes. The â€Å"ABC’s† of Psychology which are, A- stands for affect, which are feelings, emotions or moods. B- stands for behaviors, which are the actions or reactions of an organism. Lastly is C, which stands for cognition, which are mental events such as perceptions, thoughts and ideas. Psychology originated in many disciplines and countries. It was, until the 1920’s, defined as the science of mental life. Some goals of psychology are to observe and describe the human mind and behavioral system. Also, to understand, explain and predict. More of the goals are influence and control. These are the four main goals of psychology. Sometimes the fifth goal of observing in order to understand a problem further is added, but the first four are usually those that are recognized as the main goals of psychology. To observe and describe sometimes are placed in the same goal. Some people still consider the goal of improving to be added to this as well. However, it is very possible to understand the basics of psychology by examining and understanding its four main goals. The first of the goals of psychology is to observe and describe behavior. Differentiating between normal, healthy and unhealthy behaviors is the cornerstone of psychology. This is why psychologist has to have a great sense of observation. Psychologist not only has to observe actions, but also someone’s attitudes, feelings, goals, motivations, reactions and thoughts to the best of their abilities. The second goal of psychology is basically explaining the same as the first. The attempt to explain behavior based on observations is actually rather difficult due to many factors. Both the first and second goals are simply examined. Predicting behavior is the third goal of psychology. By predicting behavior, psychologists try to determine if a person is likely to make healthy or unhealthy decisions when confronted with certain situations. Most psychologist use experiments to make predictions. Part of what I learned in psychology is about Psychological science and when it was â€Å"born†. Also, some of psychology’s  first graduate students studied the â€Å"atoms of the mind† by conducting experiments in Leipzig, Germany in 1879. American philosopher William James wrote an important 1890 psychology textbook. Mary Calkins, James’s student, became the APA’s first female president. Psychology has taught me other ways to look at science. It has taught me that science is a discipline that demonstrates an organized body of knowledge. The scientific method is observing phenomena, formulating hypothesis. A hypothesis is a tentative explanation that can be tested and then accepted or rejected. Psychology has taught me other ways to look at science and different ways to define the terms. What does a psychologist do? A psychologist is basically a scientist conducting research and testing hypotheses. Science practitioners are clinical or counseling psychologists. Psychology’s past and present include French philosopher Rene Decartes( 1596-1650 ). Also, john Locke(1632-1704), who was a British scientist who, with his followers, developed the doctrine of Empiricism. Charles Darwin(1809-1882) confirmed that humans were part of the animal kingdom. Gustav Frenchner(1801-1887), a physicist who applied physics method to psychological processes of sensation. Lastly, Hermann Van Helmholtz(1821-1984) was a physicist who tested effects of stimuli on the nervous system. Learning new terms based on the human body helped me understand psychology better. It gave me a completely different outlook about it. I learned many things that I was completely unaware of before and it brightened my horizons to the psychological world. The brainstem is the brains older and innermost region. The brainstem is located where the spinal cord swells slightly after entering the skull. The slight swelling is called the medulla. The thalamus sits at the top of the brain. This joined pair of egg shaped structures acts as the brain’s sensory switchboard . This reticular formation is located inside the brainstem, between your ears. It’s a finger shaped network of neurons that extends from the spinal cord. Right up through the thalamus. The cerebellum extends from the rear of the brainstem and is baseball sized. This term also means â€Å"little brain†. It enables one type of nonverbal learning and memory. The limbic system is two halves of the brain. One limbic system component is the hippocampus: process memory. Amygdala is a lima bean sized neural clusters which influence aggression and fear. The hypothalamus is located just below the thalamus. It is an important link in the chain of command governing bodily  maintenance. Cerebral cortex is a thin surface layer of interconnected neural cells. This is your brain’s thinking crown, your body’s ultimate control and information processing center. I learned from the Modules that we have read in class. Some of them talked about developmental issues and parental issues. As well as issues with these two involving a newborn. Any survey of developmental psychology must consider three pervasive issues. The first is how development is steered by the int eraction of nature (our genes) and nurture (our experiences). Then consider the second issue, whether development is a gradual, continuous process or a series of discrete stages, and the third, whether development is characterized over time more by stability or by change. I also learned more about conception, with humans. The process starts when a woman’s ovaries release a mature egg. Two hundred million or more deposited sperm begin their race upstream, approaching a cell 85,000 times their own size. The few that actually reach the egg release digestive enzymes that eat away its protective coating. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development states that from birth to two years of age, there’s what is called sensor motor that takes effect. This is basically experiencing the world through senses and actions: object performance, stranger anxiety. From ages two to seven years old preoperational, which was the representation with words and images; using intuitive rathe r than logical reasoning: pretend play, egocentrism. Sensation and perception blend into one continuous process. Sensation is the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment. Perception is the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events. Psychologist refers to sensory analysis that starts at the entry level as bottom up processing. Bottom up processing is an analysis that begins with the sensory receptors and works up to the brain’s integration of sensory information. We construct perceptions drawing both on sensations coming bottom up to the brain and on our experience and expectations, which psychologist call top-down processing. Top-down processing is information processing guided by higher level mental processes, as when we construct perceptions drawing on our experiences and expectations. I also learned that psychophysics is the study of relationships between the physical characteristics of stimuli, such as their  intensity and our psychological experience of them. Also, that absolute threshold is the minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus fifty percent of the time. Subliminal is defined as below one’s absolute threshold for conscious awareness. Priming is the activation, often unconsciously, of certain associations, thus predisposing one’s perception, memory, or response. Lastly, I learned that difference threshold is the minimum difference between two stimuli required for detection fifty percent of the ti me. We experience the difference threshold as just a noticeable difference. I have learned a lot in psychology this semester. It has been a pleasure having this class. I learned a lot about the human mind and body. I have learned how the mind works and its functions. Also about the different changes that we as human beings go through, stage by stage. My grade may not reflect it but I certainly did learn a lot in Psychology. I feel that I had to work harder this semester to earn the appropriate grade that I felt I deserved. I studied for hours for my exams. I am the type of person that can study all day and night for an exam but my work performance may not reflect the actual work I put into my studies. I do not believe that a test score can determine what a person knows about a subject. I do believe that it can be a reflection of some of what the person may know about the subject or topic, but it does not determine exactly what they know.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Blücher Has to Do With Young Frankenstein

What Blà ¼cher Has to Do With Young Frankenstein In Mel Brooks classic film parody  Young Frankenstein  (1974), Cloris Leachman plays a  character called Frau Blucher. If youve seen this great film, you know that every time someone utters the words Frau Blucher the whinnying of horses can be heard. Somehow an explanation for this running gag arose, claiming the hidden reason for the horses reaction was that Frau Bluchers name sounds like the German word for glue, and implying that the horses fear ending up in a glue factory. But if you bother to look up the word glue in German, you wont find any word that is even close to Blucher or Blà ¼cher. Do the words  der Klebstoff  or  der Leim  sound even remotely similar? What Is the Meaning of Blucher in German? If you look up  Blà ¼cher, some German dictionaries  list the expression er geht ran wie Blà ¼cher (he doesnt loaf around/he goes at it like Blà ¼cher), but that refers to the Prussian general  Gebhard Leberecht von Blà ¼cher  (1742-1819), who earned the name Marschall Vorwrts ([Field] Marshal Forward) for his victories over the French at Katzbach and (with Wellington) at Waterloo (1815). In other words, Blà ¼cher (or Blucher) is just a German surname. It has no particular meaning as a normal word in German and certainly does not mean glue! Turns out that director Mel Brooks was just having some fun with a classic cinematic villain gag from old melodramas. There is no real logic for the horses neighing since most of the time there is no way they could even see or hear Frau Blucher or the people saying her name.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Separate Peace (Gene) essays

A Separate Peace (Gene) essays In the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles, Gene Forrester is a character wrought with inner-conflict. The first trait that contributes to Genes inner-turmoil is that he is dreadfully lacking in self-confidence and he is uncomfortable with the person he has been all his life, especially during his years at Devon. As an adult returning there, he fears that nothing will have changed since his time there; and, perhaps most importantly, he fears that he hasnt changed either. He finds that the varnished new surface of Devon seems to make it look like a museum...and thats exactly...what I did not want it to be. Devon reminds Gene of the person he was while he was there, and his displeasure with the preservation of the buildings reveals how much he wants to forget that person. Gene would rather have these buildings decay and fall to the ground than stand as a monument to the old Gene who he now hates and dreads so much. In addition to his insecurity, Gene is very distrustful of th e motives of others. The most profound example of this is that he comes to suspect the true motives of even his very best friend. Gene convinces himself that Finny is trying to sabotage his grades. Gene begins to believe that inventing games like Blitzball and insisting on their nightly jumps from the tree were actions on Finnys part to attempt to destroy Genes grades because Finny resented the fact that Gene had earned an A in nearly every course while Finny could never muster better than a C. Finally, Gene is resentful towards Finny throughout the book for all the ways that Finny is superior to him. He is at first able to find a single sustaining thought in the fact that he and Finny are even in enmity. The idea that they are both coldly driving ahead for [themselves] alone allows Gene to feel less guilty about his actions like trying to raise his grades to spite Finny. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Carrie Chapman Catt, Suffragette, Activist, Feminist

Carrie Chapman Catt, Suffragette, Activist, Feminist Carrie Chapman Catt (January 9, 1859–March 9, 1947) was a teacher and journalist who was active in the womans suffrage movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was the founder of the League of Women Voters and president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Fast Facts: Carrie Chapman Catt Known For:  Leader in the womens suffrage movementBorn: February 9, 1859 in Ripon, WisconsinParents: Lucius Lane and Maria Clinton LaneDied: March 9, 1947 in New Rochelle, New YorkEducation:  Iowa State Agricultural College, B.S. in General Science, 1880Spouse(s): Leo Chapman (m. 1885), George W. Catt (m. 1890–1905)Children: None Early Life Carrie Chapman Catt was born Carrie Clinton Lane in Ripon, Wisconsin on February 9, 1859, the second child and only daughter of farmers Lucius and Maria Clinton Lane. Lucius had participated but did not find much luck in the California Gold Rush of 1850, returning to Cleveland Ohio and purchasing a coal business. He married Maria Clinton in 1855, and, discovering that he disliked cities, bought the Ripon farm. Their first child William was born there in 1856. Maria was outspoken and well-educated for the time, having attended Oread Collegiate Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts. When Carrie was 7, the family moved to a farm outside of Charles City, Iowa, building a new brick house. Carrie attended a one-room schoolhouse and then the Charles City high school. At the age of 13, she wanted to know why her mother wouldnt be voting in the presidential election of 1872: Her family laughed at her: women werent allowed to vote in the United States at the time. In her early teens she wanted to become a doctor and began bringing live reptiles and insects into the house to study them, to the distress of her father. She borrowed and read Darwins Origin of Species from a neighbor and wanted to know why her history book omitted all of that interesting information. In 1877, Carrie attended Iowa State Agricultural College (now Iowa State University), having saved up money to cover the room and board (about $150/year, and tuition was free) by teaching school in the summers. While there, she organized a womans military drill (there was one for men but not women) and won the right for women to speak at the Crescent Literary Society. She joined the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity- despite its name, it was coed. In November 1880 she graduated with a bachelors degree in the General Science Course for Women, making her the only woman in a class of 18. She started her journalism career by writing in the Iowa Homestead magazine about the drudgery of housework. Carrie Lane began reading law with a Charles City attorney, but in 1881 she received an offer to teach in Mason City, Iowa and she accepted. Professional Life and Marriage Two years later in 1883, she became superintendent of schools in Mason City. In February 1885, she married newspaper editor and publisher Leo Chapman (1857–1885) and became co-editor of the newspaper. After Leo was accused of criminal libel later that year, the Chapmans planned to move to California. Just after he arrived, and while his wife was on her way to join him, he caught typhoid fever and died, leaving his new wife to make her own way. She found work in San Francisco as a newspaper reporter. She soon joined the woman suffrage movement as a lecturer and moved back to Iowa, where she joined the Iowa Woman Suffrage Association and the Womens Christian Temperance Union. In 1890, she was a delegate at the newly formed National American Woman Suffrage Association. In 1890 she married wealthy engineer George W. Catt (1860–1905), whom she had originally met in college and saw him again during her time in San Francisco. They signed a prenuptial agreement, which guaranteed her two months in the spring and two in the fall for her suffrage work. He supported her in these efforts, considering that his role in the marriage was to earn their living and hers was to reform society. They had no children. National and International Suffrage Role Her effective organizing work brought her quickly into the inner circles of the suffrage movement. Carrie Chapman Catt became head of field organizing for the National American Woman Suffrage Association in 1895 and in 1900, having earned the trust of the leaders of that organization, including Susan B. Anthony, was elected to succeed Anthony as president. Four years later, Catt resigned the presidency to care for her husband, who died in 1905- Rev. Anna Shaw took over her role as NAWSA president. Carrie Chapman Catt was a founder and president of the International Woman Suffrage Association, serving from 1904 to 1923 and until her death as honorary president. In 1915, Catt was re-elected to the presidency of the NAWSA, succeeding Anna Shaw, and led the organization in fighting for suffrage laws at both the state and federal levels. She opposed the efforts of the newly active Alice Paul to hold Democrats in office responsible for the failure of woman suffrage laws, and to work only at the federal level for a constitutional amendment. This split resulted in Pauls faction leaving the NAWSA and forming the Congressional Union, later the Womans Party. Role in Final Passage of Suffrage Amendment Her leadership was key in the final passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920: without the state reforms- an increased number of states in which women could vote in primary elections and regular elections- the 1920 victory could not have been won. Also key was the bequest in 1914 of Mrs. Frank Leslie (Miriam Folline Leslie) of nearly a million dollars, given to Catt to support the suffrage effort. Legacy and Death Carrie Chapman Catt was one of the founders of the Womens Peace Party during World War I and helped organize the League of Women Voters after the passage of the 19th Amendment (she served the League as honorary president until her death). She also supported the League of Nations after World War I and the founding of the United Nations after World War II. Between the wars, she worked for Jewish refugee relief efforts and child labor protection laws. When her husband died, she went to live with a longtime friend and fellow suffragist Mary Garrett Hay. They moved to New Rochelle, New York, where Catt died in 1947. When measuring the organizational contributions of the many workers for woman suffrage, most would credit Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt, Lucretia Mott, Alice Paul, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucy Stone with having the most influence in winning the vote for American women. The effect of this victory was then felt worldwide, as women in other nations were inspired directly and indirectly to win the vote for themselves. Recent Controversy In 1996, when Iowa State University (Catts alma mater) proposed to name a building after Catt, controversy broke out over racist statements that Catt had made in her lifetime, including stating that white supremacy will be strengthened, not weakened, by womens suffrage. The discussion highlights issues about the suffrage movement and its strategies to win support in the South. Sources Laurence, Frances. Maverick Women: 19th Century Women Who Kicked over the Traces. Manifest Publications, 1998.  Peck, Mary Gray. Carrie Chapman Catt, Pioneers of the Womans Movement. Literary Licensing, 2011.  Suffragettes Racial Remark Haunts College. The New York Times, May 5, 1996.  Van Voris, Jacqueline. Carrie Chapman Catt: A Public Life. New York: The Feminist Press, 1996.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Financial Markets & Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Financial Markets & Risk - Essay Example iness Council for Sustainable Development defines CSR as the business commitment and contribution to the quality of life of employees, their families and the society overall, to support sustainable development. In recent years, CSR has been incorporated into the business strategy of a majority of the companies and firms in UK and all over the world. This is because of a variety of considerations that have developed in recent years making it an essential component for the success of any business. Altruistic CSR involves contributing to the common good at the possible, probable, or even definite expense of the business. It may be humanitarian, or philanthropic. Humanitarian CSR involves firms to go beyond preventing or rectifying harms they have done to assuming liability for public welfare deficiencies that they have not caused. This type of CSR is relatively rare. Strategic CSR is done to accomplish strategic business goals – good deeds are believed to be good for business as well as society. With this, corporations give back to their constituencies because it is in their best financial interests to do so. This is philanthropy aligned with profit motives. Social goals are found profitable in the long run since market forces provide financial incentives for perceived socially responsible behaviour. CSR is also a positive business driven response to the business environment of today. It is not an add-on. CSR is not static. It is a dynamic, multidimensional concept covering social, economic and environmental concerns, and is continually evolving with the diversity of the market. Innovation is a critical aspect of CSR initiatives. CSR is not an alternative to regulation. CSR is voluntary in nature. It has become imperative for businesses today to incorporate CSR in their business activities. Apart from the pressures from various directions, there are several reasons that companies find CSR initiatives beneficial for them. Rapid political, economic and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Molecular Mechanism of antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli Essay

Molecular Mechanism of antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli - Essay Example Conclusion: Sufficient research results have shown that the E.coli continues to cause infections such as UTIs, resisting the basic ciprofloxacin. These strains are referred to as extended spectrum beta-lactamase E.coli. There is therefore need to develop new antibiotics and explore new ways of tackling the bacteria. Introduction Escherichia coli, commonly referred to as E. coli, are amongst the few organisms that have steered the art of antibiotic resistance in bacteria to altogether new levers. The European E. coli outbreak of 2011 served as an eye opener on the magnitude of harm such a development can cause. On that regard, it is vital to understand the antibiotic resistance mechanism of E. coli, especially at the molecular level. This implies that the quantification of the mechanism upon which this eventuality is realized will have to drench deep into the responsible genetic sequences in the DNA of the bacterium. Fortunately, the genetic sequence of E. coli is already established and safely stored in accessible archives. This is irrespective of the plasticity experienced while sequencing the DNA of E. coli. The main methods by which resistance is observed to occur include: Prevention of entry into the cell, Synthesis of enzymes that lyse the antibiotics, rapid efflux from the cell, and modification of the active site. Evaluation The quantification of the mechanism behind the resistance calls for the isolation of E. coli strains that exhibit this form of resistance. Due to the wide range of antibiotics availed for the fight against the spread of the bacteria, it is vital to focus on strains that exhibit multiple resistances. This is also of merit in a rather different perception in that; it can facilitate the development of antibiotics that encompass solutions to different targets. This helps in the improvement of their therapeutic efficacy. On this regard, a central region of focus falls under the integrons (these are genetic elements able to target and rear range ORFs embedded in gene cassette units and change them to functional genes by ensuring their proper expression). This is with regards to their heightened presence in organisms exhibiting multiple antibiotic resistances. They were originally associated with gram negative bacteria. Progressively the analysis of strategic loci may be of great essence in the quantification of the avenues followed towards the establishment of a resistance in E. coli. Such a locus is the mar locus (Michael, 2007). On reference is that rapid mutations experienced in the mentioned locus; that eventuate into alteration of the coding sequence, hence aberration of the protein sequence produced. Apparently, the development of resistance towards a given antibiotic is based on two broad mechanisms. They include the development of mutated genetic sequence at the DNA level and the horizontal line gene transfer (also termed lateral gene transfer). This simply refers to the accumulation of various mutations via a systematic process; where the central microbe, in this case E. coli, accumulates the necessary mutation via prokaryotic DNA absorption mechanisms. This includes mechanisms such as transduction, transformation, gene transfer agents (found in alphaproteobacteria), or conjugation. The resistance sequences are conveyed along the various tandem sequences, such as transposons, integrons or plasmids (D’

Trusts-UK legal system,fuduciaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Trusts-UK legal system,fuduciaries - Essay Example Dean, the company’s solicitor agreed with Anna that she would negotiate the purchase, receiving 5% of the final purchase figure. Anna negotiated the purchase price at  £1million. Anna and Dean were also responsible for the renegotiation of the company’s key ingredient (Citsalp) supplier, Kipling Ltd. Kipling Ltd requested  £50,000 in advance and  £2,500 per month for the exclusivity of the supply, and the company could not afford this. Anna and Dean put together the money themselves and negotiate with Kipling Ltd purchase the supply and its exclusivity. They then offer the company exclusivity of supply of Citsalp at  £25,000 in advance and  £2,750 per month. [Kipling are happy with this]. Anna decides to sell her shares and retire as director, selling her shares in Gealette Ltd to Beauty Trust for  £20,000 below the market value. The new product is delayed and causes Gealette Ltd significant losses, and it is on the verge of folding. Gealette Ltd’s shares are almost worthless. The nature of a person in decision making decides the success rate in any business enterprise. At times, being aggressive in decision making helps and during some times, it may fail if the organization falters in strategic decisions. Trustee is a person who administers a trust. At the same time, a trustee is considered as a fiduciary and he or she owes the highest duty under the law to protect trust property from unreasonable loss for the trusts beneficiaries. In cases of mismanagement of trust property by trustee, he or she would be held liable for the extent of loss incurred. Anna in the present cases study has undergone the similar experience. Being a trustee of a beauty trust, she has some reasonable rights in representing the trust in several national and international forums. She analysed that the purchase of shares in company â€Å"Gealette† would certainly benefit the trust and accordingly the beauty trust purchased

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Different types of Asthma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Different types of Asthma - Essay Example Asthma in children can be hard to diagnose. There are other conditions that can have similar symptoms and sometimes these conditions can be combined with asthma. Some common conditions with the same symptoms are rhinitis, sinusitis, acid reflux, vocal cord dysfunction, and respiratory tract infections, such as bronchiolitis and RSV.Doctors use the same tests to diagnose asthma in children ages 5 and up as they do with adults. The test is called a spirometry, it measures how quickly and how much air your child can exhale. The doctor will also try to find out if the asthma is caused by the child’s allergies. An allergy skin test will be given to check for allergy-causing substances, such as animal dander, mold or dust mites, and observed for signs of an allergic reaction.The doctor will make an asthma action plan and depending on the type and severity of asthma in the child the doctor might prescribe a medication. The purpose of treating asthma is to prevent symptoms and to trea t an asthma attack that is in progress. The goal after treatment is that the child will have little to no symptoms, fewer flare-ups, no limitations on daily activities, and few side effects from the medications.  Long-term medications will be used to treat the inflammation that causes the symptoms of asthma. The doctor would prescribe an inhaled corticosteroid, such as Qvar. Leukotriene modifiers such a Singulair will help to prevent the asthma symptoms for up to 24 hours. Sometimes a medication will be needed that is combined inhaler.

Comparison Papper Malcom x vs William Shakespeare Essay

Comparison Papper Malcom x vs William Shakespeare - Essay Example Both assailed calumny or manipulation which in Shakespeare’s speech from Brutus justified his murder and villainy by alleging that he killed Caesar because he is ambitious and that Rome he is better off with Caesar dead. This was in the passage; In Malcom X’s speech however, this came from the gerrymandering of white (caucasian) politicians that when Negroes became concentrated in one area that is enough to become a political power, the political subdivisions are changed to disenfranchise the Negro. All sorts of effort were done to â€Å"con† and undermine the negro’s right to vote as exegete it saying as â€Å"senators and congressmen standing up filibustering and doing all other kinds of trickery to keep the Negro from being able to vote†. Both speakers were also addressing an undiscerning and unsophisticated crowd. In Malcolm X, the speech referred to the Negroes â€Å"dumb vote, your ignorant vote, your wasted vote put in an administration in Washington, D.C., that has seen fit to pass every kind of legislation imaginable† while in Shakespeare, both Brutus and Anthony were addressing a mob who would agree to whatever they will say until Anthony won them over with a speech that effectively refuted Brutus speech that Caesar has to be killed because of his ambition; Both also justified violence or murder as a political solution. Albeit Brutus was more brutal because he personally slew Caesar under a shady motive even if Caesar is his close friend. Worst, he made it appear as if Caesar deserved it and his death is good for Rome by saying â€Å"Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men?† Malcolm X speech however was replete of justification why it has to come to ballots or bullets. He argues that the eyes of the negroes are already open and his consciousness is already alive and he will

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Different types of Asthma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Different types of Asthma - Essay Example Asthma in children can be hard to diagnose. There are other conditions that can have similar symptoms and sometimes these conditions can be combined with asthma. Some common conditions with the same symptoms are rhinitis, sinusitis, acid reflux, vocal cord dysfunction, and respiratory tract infections, such as bronchiolitis and RSV.Doctors use the same tests to diagnose asthma in children ages 5 and up as they do with adults. The test is called a spirometry, it measures how quickly and how much air your child can exhale. The doctor will also try to find out if the asthma is caused by the child’s allergies. An allergy skin test will be given to check for allergy-causing substances, such as animal dander, mold or dust mites, and observed for signs of an allergic reaction.The doctor will make an asthma action plan and depending on the type and severity of asthma in the child the doctor might prescribe a medication. The purpose of treating asthma is to prevent symptoms and to trea t an asthma attack that is in progress. The goal after treatment is that the child will have little to no symptoms, fewer flare-ups, no limitations on daily activities, and few side effects from the medications.  Long-term medications will be used to treat the inflammation that causes the symptoms of asthma. The doctor would prescribe an inhaled corticosteroid, such as Qvar. Leukotriene modifiers such a Singulair will help to prevent the asthma symptoms for up to 24 hours. Sometimes a medication will be needed that is combined inhaler.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Impact Of Internet-Based E-Commerce On Manufacturing And Business Research Paper

Impact Of Internet-Based E-Commerce On Manufacturing And Business Operations - Research Paper Example Summary of: E-commerce and its impact on operations management A. Gunasekarana,*, H.B. Marrib, R.E. McGaugheyc, M.D. Nebhwanib The revolutionizing internet based commerce has been proving itself as the most promising application of information technology. Termed as the second internet revolution, e-commerce can be seen just about anywhere over the internet. One of the key manners in which e-commerce is effective is the marketing and attaining of goods over the internet. Opening of new horizons and that too globally is one of the feathers e-commerce has in its cap. It also enables the reduction of costs incurred and that of the processing time involved within processes. Thus, eventually resulting in the overall attainment of profits and generation of increased revenue. E-Commerce incorporates a number of technologies that include e-mail, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), application of e-commerce in operations (manufacturing and services). Internet enables B2B and Business to consume r transactions. Organizations that have newly evolved find it easier to implement the standards of e-commerce as compared to those that already have old business processes running and functional. The main theme of manufacturing systems has changed from mass production to demand driven with the introduction of e-commerce. Reduction of procurement and development cycles, simplification of procedures, incorporation of men into profitable positions rather than at mere data handling positions, accessibility to world wide markets, improvement in time of response generation and also in the relationship with customers are just a few benefits that e-commerce has rendered to the world of business. Marketing horizons that... Impact of Internet/E-commerce on Operations Management E-Commerce is the use of internet and internet based technologies in all business processes. It has extensive uses and implementation details. It overrides the use all prior technologies such as Electronic Data Interchange. From the collection of raw data to each detail of the business and sales processes to even the eventual after sales services e-commerce expands its horizons over an entire organization benefiting it on the whole. Exemplary enhancement in sales leads to encouragement to increase the potential to increase the over all logistics of an organization. E-commerce addresses many problems associated with businesses that were all associated with the pre-technology era. Introduction of the internet technology has revolutionized business processes by enhancing procurement, communication, interaction within organization, production, reduction in costs, increase in efficiency and an eventual increase in sales. Increased brand awareness and customer loyalty and increase in potential profits of an organization are also termed as benefits associated with implementation of internet technologies within a business. Up to date customer feedback enables updated revolutions in business processes. Issues that need to be addressed while implementing e-commerce are security. Strengthening of this issue would in turn enhance customer reliability with businesses. Nonetheless it can be said that the key to the survival of every business in the technological world of today is its embedding e-commerce into its business processes.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Creative Thinking Essay Example for Free

Creative Thinking Essay Thinking The following transcript is based on material in Skills for Success: The Personal Development Handbook, by Stella Cottrell. Creative thinking can benefit any aspect of life, including academic study or our working day. All too often, we act as if creativity were the preserve of a special breed of people – great artists, musicians, designers and inventors. However, you don’t need to be good at drawing or painting or music in order to be creative. Because of this misperception, we can tend to underestimate our own capacity for creativity and the wide range of situations to which we could apply creative thought. In this audio, we’ll talk about practical ways that you can develop and enhance your creative capacity. What do we mean by creative thinking? Creativity is about applying the imagination to finding a solution. This could be a solution to an artistic problem, but it could just as easily refer to finding an answer to a routine work issue, resolving problems in your life, friendships or relationships, or completing study assignments. The creative aspect is in finding the solution, rather than in simply applying a pre-given formula. If you devise your own solutions, find your answers, you are thinking creatively. Sometimes, a great idea can seem to drop from nowhere. When this happens, it is easy to feel that we are very imaginative and clever, especially if the wonderful idea came to us quickly. More typically, a creative outcome is the result of a series of processes, the application of strategies, and bringing the right attitude to the task – and these may not always feel very creative at the time. Creative thought thrives in certain conditions, so to foster creative thinking, it is worth taking steps to put those conditions into place. Certain types of creative thinking take place when we are very relaxed, with time to spare, when we are only half focused on the issue, perhaps when we are day-dreaming or doodling. We may even be deep in thought about a different activity altogether. When released from having to find a solution to a particular problem, the brain often feels freed up to look for an answer in its own way. You may have noticed this yourself- that when you stop trying too hard, the answer seems to pop out of nowhere when you are least expecting it. Many great discoveries and ideas have been made in this way, or even in dreams. This kind of creative solution does require certain kinds of conditions. In particular, the apparently magic solution often comes after a period of very ordered thinking, working through many possible solutions, followed by change of pace or situation, accompanied by some ‘down-time’ in which the brain can work on the solution. Creative thinking tends to be characterised by a drive to find the very best solution, continually looking for an even better, or quicker, or more effective, or more elegant solution. If you are happy with the first idea that comes along, then there is no real spur to creative thought. An element of moderate dissatisfaction, or an edge of perfectionism, encourages the creative process. You can also help the creative process by putting the right conditions into place and applying some basic strategies. First of all: don’t be satisfied with one solution. Once you have one good idea, look for another, and then another. Give yourself the opportunity to choose the best from several options. Secondly, put yourself under different levels of pressure. Sometimes, we find we respond to pressure; other times we don’t. Thirdly, feed your brain with different experiences. Go on a journey you wouldn’t usually make; read an article from a different subject discipline or a magazine you wouldn’t usually read; undertake an activity that you feel isn’t ‘you’. When the brain is working hard on a problem, it is can be very good at drawing parallels in an apparently unconnected experience. Fourthly, be willing to experiment with ideas that seem unlikely to lead straight to the answer, even if this seems like it may be a waste of time. Combine solutions from other problems that you have answered successfully; play with possible ideas even if these don’t seem very sensible. Many a great idea has started out as something, which seemed wild or unrealistic, modified and adapted and developed into something that really worked. Don’t eliminate ideas too early- look for a way of making them work. Although a particular idea may lead nowhere, the process of working through solutions can help develop a much deeper understanding of the task before you. It is this thorough and complex understanding of the issue, which helps the brain come up with a creative solution. Fifthly, when you have worked in an organised way on developing ideas, give the brain some down-time so it can work on these in an unforced way. This does mean planning your study or work so that there is time to move between structured approaches to the issue, followed by more relaxed, unforced, even unconscious, thought. Finally, once you know the idea you want to work on, be prepared to work at it, and to work at it some more, to fine-tune it. Inspiration is a very small part of creative thinking. Process, strategy, attitude, and application are also essential ingredients. In short, it doesn’t take a special kind of person to engage in creative thinking. There are approaches you can take and strategies you can apply that can assist you in arriving at innovative ways of seeing and thinking. Best of all, as creative thinking benefits from new experiences, doing things a little differently, musing with ideas and being open to playful and unusual approaches, it can make your study very enjoyable. We hope this basic introduction to creative thinking has been useful. If you want to develop your creative thinking further, ask your bookseller for a copy of Skills for Success, written by Stella Cottrell and published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Who are the biggest winners and losers in a globalised world

Who are the biggest winners and losers in a globalised world The world is increasing influenced by Multination Corporation and global brand. Nowadays, the idea that globalisation produces winners and losers are widely accepted. The winners and losers from globalisation can separated into two general categories. One is developing countries and the other one is developed countries. In this essay I will prove there are significant more winners than losers in globalization. The developed countries or developing countries all are being benefited by globalisation. Definition of globalization According to one of most popular definitions which International Monetary Fund(IMF) are given, globalisation is the process through which an increasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods, services and capital leads to the integration of economies and societies. Globalisation is not a recent phenomenon. In 1962, the term globalization was first time come forth to the journal called The Economics. However, at that time globalization more likely as a term to use by economists rather than popular words can be found everywhere. Globalisation can be defined as following aspects: free trade, foreign investment, organizational change in corporate sector and technological change. Trade make an important role in globalisation. According to Charles and McGraw (2008), the Great Depression of the 1930s was caused by highly barriers in international trade. Government who govern their countries constrained the exports goods and labour services to other countries and high imports taxation rate to protect their domestic manufactures. Due to this experience, after World War II, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) are founded and made big impact in global trade market. World Trade Organisation (WTO) was established by GATT which make global trade system lower barriers through the principle and rules they negotiated. Free trade could reduce overall costs of production due to the imports; which company can purchase cheaper resource and workforce. Ultimately, free trade can cut our living costs and improve our living standards. Furthermore, free trade gives customers more choice on which products they are willing to buy. Because of free trade, we can get wider c hoice on domestic productions or international productions. Opening the domestic economies to foreign direct investment (FDI) is an important part of globalisation. The evidence (Charles and McGraw, 2008) suggests that FDI is making a significant role in the global economy. The outflow of FDI increased faster which from $25 billion in 1975 to $1.2 trillion in 2000. The multinational company made a significant influence in FDI. There has been a big change in the nature of the company due to the globalisation of the production and distribution. Corporations are now becoming part of global supply chains which spread their productions. As an international company they must adapt the international business environment quicker than domestic firms. Hence, they change their corporate strategy frequently. According to Charles and McGraw (2008) the role of technological change has made globalisation become more reality. Since the end of World War II, the world technological dramatically improved through Internet, telecommunication and transportation. Those improvements provide better condition for globalisation world widely. Winners in the developed countries Many people believe globalisation make developed countries become to loser due to off-shoring. Large employment opportunities are moving to developing countries because of cheaper labour costs. Off-shoring made lots of job lost in developed countries. However, all coins have two sides, job losses in the developed countries do not means all negative sides in globalisation. According to Charles and McGraw (2008), when the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established in 1994, clothing prices in the United States have decreased. For instance, blank T-shirts wholesaled for $24 a dozen in 1994 but now they only sell $14 a dozen. The lower prices on production are benefit for most of American who have more money to spend on other times. Generally speaking in economic aspect, most MNEs are come from developed countries, which through FDI to expand their capital and make huge profits. FDI and free trade provide opportunities to MNEs gather cheaper raw materials and workforce which reducing the overall costs of productions. Most of the MNEs have more advantages because their enough capital and high technology supported. Therefore, MNEs will establish subsidiaries in FDI countries and sell these products with high price directly which can make large profits. Multinationals benefit most from globalisation according to 87% of EU citizens. Nowadays, MNEs seem as the leader in developed countries economics, they occupied large parts of domestic market. MNEs doing their business development well which can reflect the developed countries are winners from globalisation as well. Overall, developed countries are winners in globalisation, they gains outweigh the losses. Winners in the developing countries According Lancaster (2000), the six billion people in the world which have five billion people live in developing world. How much impact of globalisation on this countries and people? There are many argument about winners from globalisation in booming are not necessary shared equally in the global wide. When the distributions are not equally, the developing countries might become losers due to their poor condition on economy and politics aspects. Peaceful and stable are essential for developing countries in long-term development. If trade flows could improve smoothly and countries enjoy that peaceful relationship, it might avoid many political and economic conflicts between countries or regions. WTO is an important organisation in globalisation that makes vital roles to keep world peace. Most of developing countries are following WTOs principles and rules to trade and investment. Due to this peaceful environment, developing countries can concentrate on their trade market and economic development. Moreover, investment and trade are increased dramatically since 1990. There are more and more foreign direct investment in developing countries such as China, Indian, Mexico, and Thailand. Investments in those countries provide large employment opportunities and increase their exports and growth rate therefore improve overall standard of living. The Asian countries financial crises in the 1997 made many experts to fight globalisation become stronger. They believe developing countries are losers in globalisation. However, the experience of China has been used as a good example to prove they are the winner of globalisation. Before reform, China was the world most important opponent of globalisation which is not opening their trade market. Since 1979, reform policy made Chinas economic become most competitive and booming country in world widely. According to Michael Dauderstà ¤dt Jà ¼rgen Stetten (2005) purchasing power parity in China is ranks secondly after America. Share of world trade increased from approximately 1% to almost 6% between 1979 and 2003. Since 2001, China access to the WTO which provide better free trade market environment and also become more competitive in international market. In a word, Chinas experience in opening up reveals in what way a developing country can become winners from globalisation. Beside s, China gives other developing countries more confidence to support free trade market and globalisation. Conclusion In conclusion, both of developing countries and developing countries are winners eventually. Through free trade, foreign direct investment and organisation, world village becomes more and more possible. Whereas lose employment opportunities due to off-shoring or many domestic firms are bankrupted due to MNEs, which can not stop the globalisation steps. As we have demonstrated that there are significant more winners than losers in globalisation. The number of words: 1196